Terms & Conditions

Rental Agreement



These General Conditions of Motorized Land Transport Vehicle Rental Agreement have been signed between ..., whose head office is PYC Flo Ataşehir, on the one hand, and the natural or legal person who signed this agreement, on the other hand.



USER / DRIVER: The driver specified as the person who will use the vehicle on the vehicle delivery form,

VEHICLE: Motorized land transportation vehicle whose brand, model, license plate and other features and/or specified in the vehicle delivery and return form and rented to be used by the TENANT during the rental period,

GENERAL CONDITIONS: These General Conditions of Motorized Land Transport Vehicle Rental Agreement,

VEHICLE DELIVERY FORM: The formula stating that the rented vehicle has been delivered to the TENANT, its condition at the time of delivery, the group, brand, model, license plate and other issues of the rented vehicle,

VEHICLE RETURN FORM: The form in which the rented vehicle is returned to the LESSOR and its condition at the time of return and other matters are regulated.

DAILY RENTAL AMOUNT: The rent to be paid by the TENANT, excluding all other fees and expenses, for a maximum rental period of 24 hours,

MONTHLY RENTAL AMOUNT: The rent to be paid by the TENANT, excluding all other fees and expenses, for a maximum 30-day rental period,

RENTAL CONDITIONS: User Information, Rental Period, Fuel, Vehicle Delivery, Insurances and Guarantees announced on the LESSOR's ……………….……………… web address and/or call center at 0850 640 01 52. It refers to the rules and conditions determined by the LESSER regarding Traffic Fines, Additional products and Services, Mileage Limits, Payment Conditions, Reservation, Contract Change.


The subject of these General Conditions is to determine the rental conditions of the vehicle rented to be used by the TENANT under the rental agreement, the form and conditions of payment of the rent and other fees determined by the TENANT in return, and the mutual rights and obligations of the parties,


4.1. The vehicle has been rented to the TENANT during the rental period, and the TENANT agrees to use the vehicle in accordance with the Rental Conditions, vehicle delivery form, vehicle return form and the matters specified in these general conditions, to pay the rental fee and the fees/charges specified in the vehicle delivery form and these general conditions, and to rent the vehicle. He declares and undertakes that he accepts the conditions, the vehicle delivery form and all the issues specified in these general conditions.

4.2. In cases such as changing the rental period, vehicle group or departure and return address, the rental fee and other fees will be recalculated by the LESSOR based on the prices applied on the day the change request is made. For reservation cancellations, the cancellation rules valid at the time the reservation was made and published on the website will apply.

4.3. The rental services to be requested by the TENANT within the scope of these general conditions will be carried out by the TENANT receiving the requested vehicle from the relevant LESSOR branch by signing the vehicle delivery form. The vehicle delivery forms in question are an annex and an integral part of these general conditions and will be interpreted together.

4.4. During the signing of the vehicle delivery form, updated information will be provided on the vehicle delivery form.

4.5. The vehicle has been delivered to the TENANT by the LESSOR, with all its tires, vehicle documents, accessories, equipment and tools, and its periodic maintenance complete and complete, with the vehicle delivery form. TENANT accepts that he has received the vehicle in a sound and good condition in terms of bodywork and mechanics, except for those specified in the vehicle delivery form, and that there are no signs of accident or damage on the vehicle.

4.6. The TENANT accepts and undertakes to comply with the matters written in the vehicle user manual prepared by the vehicle manufacturer, to show the necessary care and attention in the use of the vehicle and to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition.

4.7. TENANT accepts and undertakes to use the vehicle within the borders of the Republic of Turkey in accordance with the Highway Traffic Law and all relevant legal provisions. In addition, the TENANT shall not use the vehicle in the ways described below, including but not limited to those listed below, otherwise it will be responsible for the resulting penalties and all kinds of expenses and damages:

a) In the transportation of substances contrary to customs legislation and other laws,

b) In illegal activities,

c) Any vehicle etc. pushing or pulling,

d) Transporting passengers or goods for commercial purposes,

e) Transporting personal cargo/belongings that will damage the vehicle and exceed the loading limit,

f) The vehicle is driven by a driver who has taken drugs or alcoholic beverages, or who has no license, or who is not specified as the driver or additional driver on the delivery form,

g) As a result of the vehicle's participation in competitions and races and in preparation trials for these (including, but not limited to, races, rallies, speed trials, etc.),

h) In places and conditions that are not suitable for the brand and model of the vehicle (sand or mountainous terrain, stream bed, swamp, etc.) and in places and roads that are not suitable for the technical structure and endurance of the vehicle,

i) Under unusual and unsuitable traffic conditions,

j) During transportation by land, sea, river and air, except on roads or on licensed ships and trains where the vehicle can enter and exit under its own power,

k) In animal transportation,

l) Damages caused by contact with cigarette-like substances,


4.8. The vehicle will be used by the driver and/or additional driver/s who have a valid driver's license and age limit specified in the vehicle delivery form according to the group of the vehicle. The TENANT is obliged to ensure that the additional driver/s specified in the vehicle delivery form fully and completely comply with the vehicle delivery form and general conditions. In addition, the TENANT is jointly responsible with the driver and additional drivers for any damage or loss that may occur due to the use of the vehicle.

4.9. The TENANT accepts and undertakes not to make any changes to the vehicle without the written permission of the LESSOR. Otherwise, the TENANT is responsible for the restoration costs and damages incurred by the vehicle.

4.10. The TENANT is liable for any fault in the vehicle he/she received in a sound and good condition, such as usage error and/or carelessness, lack of precaution, failure to perform periodic maintenance on time, etc. For reasons (including but not limited to: transmission failure due to incorrect gear shifting, damage caused by hitting the bottom of the vehicle, damage caused by continuing to use the vehicle despite the warning light being on, damage to parts such as tires and rims, fuel-related damage and malfunctions, clutch accepts and undertakes to pay all damages and losses, including all kinds of mechanical and electrical costs (set replacement, etc.).

4.11. All fuel, parking, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge etc. of the vehicle. Tolls, traffic fines, interest and fees belong to the TENANT and will be paid by the TENANT. Even if the rental period ends, the TENANT is responsible for any penalties imposed during the rental period. Even if the penalty receipt is written only on the license plate number without name and signature, the TENANT agrees to pay the existing penalty. OGS, HGS, highway, bridge etc. to be issued for the vehicle during the rental period. Penalty receipts received by the LESSOR regarding toll and parking fees and traffic fines will be paid by the LESSOR and the amount paid will be collected from the TENANT by adding the late payment interest and ancillary service fee, if any. The penalty payment service fee and HGS/OGS usage service fee will be stated separately on the vehicle delivery form. Even if the rental period and these general conditions have expired, the TENANT is responsible for these amounts. TENANT, OGS, HGS, highway, bridge etc. The LESSER cannot request that the LESSOR object to the toll expenses and traffic fines, cannot avoid paying the penalty amounts due to the LESSER not objecting, and cannot make any requests from the LESSOR in this regard. In addition, the LESSOR cannot make any claims regarding parking, OGS, HGS, highway, bridge, etc. is authorized to collect tolls, traffic fines, interest and ancillaries, and service fees by deducting them from the TENANT's credit card and/or guarantee, without waiting for the end of the rental period and without the need for any permission, decision or notification. This authority of the LESSOR is not limited to the contract period, and even if the contract has ended, the LESSOR can pay the parking lot, OGS, HGS, highway, bridge, etc., tolls, traffic fines, interest and ancillaries and service fees to the TENANT without the need for any permission, decision and notification. is authorized to collect by deducting from 's credit card and/or guarantee. The TENANT accepts this authority of the LESSOR in advance.

4.12. TENANT, as a guarantee of damages that may arise on the vehicles and other receivables and other rights of the LESSER arising from the contract, will be determined by the LESSOR according to the vehicle group (provided that this does not mean limiting the amount of damage / damage to be given by the TENANT and reserves the right to collect damage / loss amounts exceeding this amount). will pay the security deposit to the LESSOR before the delivery of the vehicle, by credit card or blockage (provision) according to the LESSOR's preference. This guarantee fee will be refunded to the same account if it has been collected from the credit card, within 6 business days from the date of return of the vehicle, if the vehicle is delivered to the LESSOR completely and without any problems, at the delivery place and on time specified in the delivery form, and if the TENANT does not have any debt, it will be refunded to the same account, if it has been collected from the credit card, and blocked. If applied, the blockage will be removed. The LESSOR is not responsible for any delays caused by the bank regarding the return of the guarantee and the removal of the blockage. If the vehicles are not delivered on time in a complete and trouble-free manner or if the TENANT has rent and/or other debts, the guarantee fee will be offset against these receivables without the need for any notice, judgment or permission of the TENANT, and any damages and receivables exceeding the guarantee amount will be transferred to the TENANT. will be collected separately. The LESSER is authorized to collect damages and receivables exceeding this guarantee amount from the TENANT's credit card without the need for any permission, decision or notification, and not limited to the contract period.

4.13. All debts and obligations regarding the "Vehicle Operator Liability" as defined in the law regarding the vehicle belong to the TENANT, and the TENANT is solely responsible for all material and moral damages that his vehicles may cause to third parties and/or motor vehicles and/or the environment. For this reason, the TENANT will compensate all damages that the LESSER will have to pay. Even if the Lease Period and General Conditions have expired, the TENANT's liability will continue for damages occurring during the rental period.

4.14. The vehicle rented by the TENANT has systems that provide geographical location identification, primarily but not limited to the vehicle tracking system, and the rented vehicle can be tracked, monitored, location and km information can be recorded by the LESSER in order to prevent theft, loss and similar security violations, and these records are recorded. It may be disclosed to relevant third parties/institutions, official or unofficial, when necessary for security reasons or for use in legal, judicial/administrative transactions/investigations.

4.15. The TENANT may be subject to a provisional lien or precautionary injunction etc. due to failure to pay rent and/or other debts arising from general conditions. In case of request, the LESSOR accepts, declares and undertakes that there is no need to provide a guarantee.

4.16. After the vehicle is delivered to the TENANT, official authorities take measures against the vehicle registration due to the TENANT and/or any 3rd Party acting against the law with the vehicle or the vehicle being involved in any crime or for any reason for which the TENANT is responsible, and/or If the vehicle is delivered to the trustee and/or the LESSER, these conditions will terminate automatically without the need for any notice, warning or decision. In this case, the TENANT shall be responsible for all direct and/or indirect damages that the LESSOR may incur due to towing, transportation, parking, delivery, fines, taxes, fees, if any, including but not limited to the ones mentioned, and also the damages that will occur as long as the measure continues, even if the contract is terminated. He accepts and undertakes that he will immediately pay the highest daily rental fee for the vehicle in cash and in lump sum, without raising any objections. In addition, if the vehicle is seized/confiscated by the official authorities for these reasons, the TENANT is obliged to immediately pay the market price of the vehicle on the date of seizure/confiscation to the LESSOR. In case the vehicle cannot be sold due to the measures taken by the official authorities on the vehicle, the TENANT is responsible for the guarantee, bank guarantee letter or cash blockage expenses and all other expenses that must be given to the official authorities in order to lift the measure.

4.17. TENANT is obliged to use the vehicle in accordance with the mileage limitation specified in the vehicle delivery form to the vehicle group. In case the mileage limit specified in the vehicle delivery form is exceeded, the TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes to pay the mileage excess fee specified in the vehicle delivery form.

4.18. The TENANT is obliged to return the fuel in the vehicle's tank at the time of rental as it was received. In case the TENANT delivers the fuel incompletely, the missing fuel cost is calculated based on the current pump price and the determined damage amount is invoiced to the TENANT in full. In this case, the TENANT is also obliged to pay the service fee and the related VAT amount to the LESSOR in the amount of the damage amount specified in the vehicle delivery form. Even if the damage is detected after the vehicle is returned, the TENANT is responsible for the damage that may occur due to this. The LESSER is authorized to collect this damage amount and service fee from the TENANT's credit card without the need for any permission, notification or provision, without being limited to the contract period.


5.1. TENANT is obliged to pay all fees stated in writing in these general conditions, vehicle delivery and return form, and the fees for the following services, but not limited to those listed below:

a) Rental fee calculated based on the number of days rented,

b) Service fee to be determined by the LESSOR for the rented vehicle,

c) Navigation device, baby seat, snow tires, etc. for the rented vehicle. If additional services are requested, the additional fee for these services,

d) If requested; Damage Repair Assurance (CDW), Mini Damage Assurance, Super Minor Damage Assurance, Voluntary Financial Liability (IMM), Personal Accident (PAI), Maximum Assurance (SCDW), Super Maximum Assurance amounts,

e) Additional rental fee, one-way fee and legally imposed taxes, mileage excess fee, damage/loss compensation fees, service fees, parking, HGS, OGS, highway, bridge tolls, traffic fine amounts that may arise at the end of the rental,

5.2. TENANT will make payments in the manner determined by LESSOR. The LESSOR requests that the rental fee be paid in advance. TENANT acknowledges that if the rental fee, other fees and legal payments within the scope of the general conditions and vehicle delivery and return form are not paid in full and in full on time, all amounts will become due from the invoice date without the need for any warning or notice, and all overdue receivables will be paid to the Republic of Turkey Central Office as of the invoice date. The bank accepts, declares and undertakes to pay with the default interest, which will be twice the advance interest rate. The LESSOR reserves the right to unilaterally terminate the lease agreement and general conditions.

5.3. The TENANT irrevocably accepts that the above-mentioned fees and all other fees arising from these general conditions, vehicle delivery and return form, including but not limited to those listed, will be collected from the TENANT's credit card without the need for any permission, provision or notification, and not limited to the contract period. . Even if this agreement is terminated or terminated for whatever reason, this 5.3. The article will remain in force indefinitely.


6.1. Financial damages, treatment expenses and all kinds of other damages, as well as financial damages to other motor land transport vehicles, third parties and passengers in the vehicle, which are outside the scope and limits of the vehicle's Compulsory Financial Liability Liability Insurance coverage taken out by the LESSOR of the vehicle rented to the TENANT. All damages, responsibilities and liabilities that may occur, including moral damages, loss of value and loss of income, belong to the TENANT. If the LESSER compensates for any damage that is outside the scope of insurance coverage and/or above the limits, the TENANT shall refund the payment made by the LESSER to the LESSER, together with the default interest that will accrue at twice the advance interest rate determined by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, starting from the date of payment. accepts and undertakes to pay.

6.2. TENANT, at the time of signature of the delivery form; Damage Repair Assurance (CDW), Mini Damage Assurance, Super Minor Damage Assurance, Optional Liability Assurance (IMM), Personal Accident Assurance (PAI), Increased Financial Liability Assurance (EXCESS) and Mini Damage Assurance, Personal Accident Assurance (PAI), If the LESSOR wishes to benefit from Maximum Assurance (SCDW), which consists of the Optional Liability Assurance (IMM) assurance package, and Super Max Assurance, which consists of the Super Mini Damage Assurance, Optional Financial Liability Assurance (IMM), Personal Accident Assurance (PAI) assurance package, is obliged to pay in advance the fees requested by the company in addition to the rental fee. If any or all of the damage repair, mini-damage and vehicle theft guarantees are requested and paid in advance by the TENANT, regarding these guarantees, the "General Land Vehicle Insurance Insurance" published by the Association of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies of Turkey, which is in force on the date of the damage/incident. Conditions" "Insurance" content

a) The vehicle collides with motorized or non-motorized vehicles that can be used on the road or railway,

b) Accidents such as being hit by a fixed or moving object, or the vehicle hitting such an object, overturning, falling or rolling, as a result of sudden and external effects beyond the will of the user, whether while moving or stopped,

c) Damages caused by the actions of third parties with malicious intent or mischief and by persons who do not have the capacity to act,

d) Vehicle burning,

e) A.4, titled Damages that may only be included in the Coverage Scope with the Additional Contract of the General Conditions of Motor Vehicle Insurance, including the risks of theft or attempted theft of the vehicle or vehicle parts. Except for the guarantees/situations listed in the article) (hereinafter referred to as "general conditions of motor insurance") will be deemed valid. Since the damage repair assurance and vehicle theft assurance limit is within the limits specified in the general conditions of the motor insurance valid as of the damage event/date, provided that it does not exceed the market value of the vehicle on the date of the damage/incident; All possible damages and material and moral damages, loss of value, loss of earnings, etc. that may arise against the rented vehicle, other motor land transport vehicles, persons in the vehicle and other third parties that are outside the scope and/or limits of the mentioned general conditions. TENANT is responsible for damages. Damage repair and vehicle theft coverage cannot be benefited from by declaration. However, if Mini Damage Assurance is requested and obtained by the TENANT, the damages that may occur in the vehicle due to the damage can be covered by declaration, limited to a limit to be determined by the LESSOR, provided that it is within the scope of the general conditions of motor insurance published by the Association of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies of Turkey. The LESSER is authorized to determine whether or not the damage is within the scope of the right, and the TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes that it will not object to this determination. THE PARTIES agree on this matter. If the LESSER wishes, he is authorized to take out an insurance policy against his own risks arising from the said assurances, and the TENANT cannot claim to benefit from these policies and coverage. The TENANT will be responsible for any possible damages that may arise against other motor land transport vehicles, the driver, people in the vehicle and third parties due to accidents involving the rented vehicle and other reasons, which are beyond the scope and limits of the insurance policies it has paid for. The TENANT cannot claim to benefit from insurance policies and the coverage of these policies for which he has not paid in full, in full and in advance. In addition, even if the TENANT has requested and paid the vehicle theft, damage repair, mini-damage, maximum assurances and optional financial liability, personal accident and increased financial liability (excess) insurances, he, the vehicle and/or the driver, in the vehicle, under the following conditions, but not limited to those listed, In case of damage to persons and/or other third parties and/or other vehicles, it accepts to cover the damage/damage liability and related compensation, damages and expenses without objection

i) In cases where it is determined that the person was drunk and/or under the influence of drugs at the time of the accident,

ii) Traffic accident report was not prepared and alcohol report was not taken

iii) Traffic accident report, alcohol report, license photocopies of the vehicles involved in the accident, traffic insurance policy photocopies, driver's license photocopies, eyewitness report and the declaration and other documents requested by the LESSOR must be submitted in full and complete within 3 days from the date of the accident/incident. If it is not / cannot be presented to the LESSOR within the day,

iv) Traffic laws and/or 4.5. In cases where vehicles are used contrary to the matters listed in the article, in intentional accidents,

v) In case of accidents and/or damages that occur as a result of the use of the vehicle by people other than the TENANT and the driver(s) specified as additional drivers in the rental agreement,

vi) In cases where damage and loss amounts are not paid for any reason, in accordance with the general conditions of the Association of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies of Turkey, Compulsory Financial Liability Assurance, Optional Financial Liability Assurance, Personal Accident Assurance, Increased Financial Liability Assurance and/or insurance/casco policies. and/or in cases where insurance companies do not pay for any reason and/or are outside the assurance/insurance scope and limit. In order for the TENANT to benefit from the said guarantees and insurances, he must submit the documents specified in paragraph (c) to the LESSOR. Otherwise, these guarantees and insurances cannot be benefited from, and the LESSOR is also authorized to demand and collect the rental fees that will accrue for the period until the date of presentation of these documents in full and complete,

6.3. TENANT and additional drivers are obliged to take the following precautions in case of an accident:

a) To inform the LESSER immediately by calling the Road Assistance Line numbered...

b) After moving the vehicle and turning off the ignition, contact the nearest Police or Gendarmerie station and ensure that an alcohol report is obtained along with the accident, damage, theft and loss report,

c) Taking photographs of the vehicle at the accident scene,

d) To obtain the names and addresses of relevant persons and witnesses,

e) Not accepting liability for defects that do not exist,

f) In double-sided accidents, photocopies of the parties' driver's license, registration and traffic insurance policies; in cases where this is not possible, information about the province where the driver's license number was issued, the title of the insurance company where the traffic insurance policy was made and policy numbers, etc. receive information,

g) Not leaving the vehicle without taking adequate security measures,

h) To deliver the accident notification and relevant minutes and reports to the LESSOR within 72 hours from the date of the accident/incident,

i) In case of an accident that results in material, fatal and/or bodily harm, immediately report the situation to the nearest police or gendarmerie officers and/or relevant official authorities.

6.4. In case the TENANT does not pay the prices in full, in full and in advance by requesting the above-mentioned guarantees and insurances, the rented vehicle, the driver, the people in the vehicle, other motor land transport vehicles, third parties, accidents involving the subject of the lease motor land transport vehicle and other reasons may arise. and/or any damage, loss, compensation, loss of value and loss of earnings that may arise, and the TENANT is obliged to pay these fees.

6.5. In case of an accident, the LESSOR may debit a security deposit against the damage and compensation amounts from the TENANT's credit card without any permission or notification (provided that it does not mean limiting the amount of damage and compensation to be given by the TENANT and without prejudice to the right to collect the damage and compensation amounts exceeding this amount). It will block. The LESSOR is authorized to collect the rental fee, damage, damage, compensation fee and all other receivables from the guarantee amount, without being limited to the contract period, without the need for any permission, notice or judgment, and the TENANT agrees in advance that he will not object to the issue.

6.6. If the TENANT receives vehicle theft assurance, he is obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent theft in order to benefit from this assurance. In case of any theft, the TENANT must prove that he has taken the necessary precautions by returning the vehicle's license and keys, and submit the necessary official report to the police authorities regarding the theft incident. In case the vehicle or any part of the vehicle is stolen while it is rented, all necessary reports will be obtained by the TENANT and submitted to the LESSOR. If the reports are not given by the TENANT within 3 days at the latest from the date of the incident or if they are not within the scope of the general conditions of the Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies Association of Turkey in force on the date of the incident (for example, but not limited to, leaving the keys on the vehicle and/or parking the vehicle). /delivery to washing employees and/or abuse of security, etc.) or in cases such as plagiarism that insurance companies do not qualify as theft, the TENANT shall immediately pay the current purchase prices of the vehicle or vehicle parts/equipment to the LESSOR. The LESSOR reserves the right to request rent from the TENANT for the period until this payment. In addition, the LESSER reserves the right to claim damages incurred. If the TENANT requests vehicle theft insurance and does not pay the price in full, in full and in advance, and if the vehicle or any part/equipment of the vehicle is stolen while it is rented, the TENANT is obliged to immediately pay the current market price of the vehicle and the vehicle part/equipment on the date of the incident.

6.7. The TENANT is responsible for the items such as snow chains, navigation, baby seat, etc., which are received together with the vehicle delivery form and specified in the vehicle delivery form. Responsible for keeping additional products, documents, tools, equipment and accessories belonging to the vehicle. These products are not covered by damage repair and vehicle theft insurance, and in case of damage/damage, loss or theft, the current market price on the date of the incident will be paid by the TENANT directly, in advance and immediately to the LESSOR.

6.8. The LESSER cannot be held responsible for the loss, damage, theft or theft of any belongings carried or left in the vehicle by the TENANT. For this reason, the TENANT cannot claim any rights or receivables from the LESSOR under any name.

6.9. The LESSER is not the manufacturer of the vehicle and cannot be held responsible in any way for any damage, loss or compensation that may occur due to manufacturing defects of the vehicle or its spare parts.

6.10. If the vehicle is used outside the rental period and/or by third parties other than the specified driver/additional drivers, or by drivers and/or additional drivers who do not comply with the age and/or driver's license year limit, or in violation of the law or general conditions, even if the fees are paid by the TENANT, the above-mentioned Guarantees and insurances are invalid and the TENANT cannot benefit from insurance, security and legal rights. The TENANT is jointly and severally responsible with the driver for these damages and losses.

6.11. The LESSER is not responsible for any damages that may occur due to the vehicle being out of service.


7.1. If the TENANT wishes to return the rented vehicle early, no refund will be made. In this case, the LESSOR also organizes campaigns etc. has the right to claim the rewards and services or their cost by benefiting from the advantages. If the reservation or rental fee is paid in advance but the vehicle is not received on time, one day's rental fee will be deducted from the total rental amount collected from the customer and the remaining amounts will be refunded and the LESSOR will not be obliged to keep the vehicle that is not collected on time during the reservation/rental period for which the fee is paid in advance. . If the vehicle that is not received on time is requested to be collected at any time during the reservation period, whether or not the LESSOR will meet this request depends on the current vehicle condition at that time and the LESSOR cannot be obliged to supply the vehicle.

7.2. The TENANT receives the vehicle along with its spare wheel, all tires, vehicle documents, accessories, additional products and equipment and tools, and returns it completely and undamaged to the LESSOR's return address specified in the vehicle delivery form, on the return date and time specified in the vehicle delivery form. will deliver. If the delivery and return (return) locations are specified as codes in the delivery form, the delivery and return (return) locations corresponding to the codes are specified in Annex-1. If the TENANT delivers the vehicles to an address other than the address to which it should be delivered, with the written approval of the LESSOR, it will pay the one-way fee determined by the LESSOR to return the vehicle.

7.3. The TENANT must deliver the vehicle, vehicle documents, keys, accessories, tools, additional products and equipment in the same condition as received, undamaged and complete. The TENANT is responsible for any deficiencies detected during the return of the vehicle and any damages or losses that occur outside of normal use, and the TENANT is obliged to immediately pay the amount to be determined by the LESSER. In addition, the LESSOR has the right to inspect the damage and deficiencies in the vehicle in detail within 30 days from the delivery date and notify the TENANT. The fact that a vehicle return form/report is prepared during the return of the vehicle does not mean that the LESSOR has waived this control and notification right. The TENANT will be responsible for any damage or loss that occurs on the vehicles other than normal use.

7.4. The TENANT shall apply to the LESSOR for all extensions and obtain the written approval of the LESSOR. It has been accepted by the parties that the TENANT unlawfully possessed the vehicle during the extensions made without written approval. If the TENANT does not comply with any article of the vehicle delivery form and these general conditions, especially if it does not deliver the vehicle to the LESSOR at the time specified in the vehicle delivery form, the TENANT shall authorize the LESSER to immediately take back the said vehicle wherever it is, without the need for prior warning, permission or judgment, and grants the power to seize. TENANT accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will not claim any rights from the LESSER for this reason and waives all lawsuit, complaint and other rights. The TENANT is obliged to pay for any damages and expenses that may occur during the retrieval/seizure of the vehicle by the LESSOR. The LESSOR is not responsible for the loss or damage of objects or items in the vehicle during the retrieval/seizure of the vehicle. Even if the LESSOR has collected the rental fee for the delay period, it cannot be interpreted as the rental period being extended or becoming indefinite.

7.5. In addition, if the vehicle is not delivered on the return date and time, the LESSEE is obliged to pay 1/3 of the daily rental price for delays of the first 1 hour and above, 2/3 for delays of 2 hours and above, 1 full day's fee for delays of 3 hours and above, and the daily rental price for that vehicle for every day for delays of 24 hours and above. In this case, the LESSEE is also obliged to pay all kinds of damages that will occur, including those caused by the disruption /disruption of the LESSEE's reservation plan. In addition, this issue cannot be interpreted as extending the lease term or becoming an indefinite term.


8.1. These general conditions will enter into force from the date of signature and are valid for a period of 1 year. at the end of 1 year, if any of the parties does not provide written notification no later than 15 days before the expiration date of the general terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions will automatically be extended in one-year periods. If these general conditions are terminated by non-renewal, if there is a vehicle rented to the LESSEE on the expiration date, the general conditions expire spontaneously without any other notification on the return date of the vehicle in question.

8.2. The LESSOR has the right to terminate these general terms and conditions without prior notice, unilateral and without compensation, without giving any reason, without any notice, warning or provision, if he deems it necessary, during the lease period.

8.3. If the LESSEE does not partially or completely comply with any or all of the obligations and commitments contained in the general conditions and vehicle delivery form, the LESSOR has the right to terminate these general conditions without prior notice, notice or provision, one-party and without compensation.

8.4. Paying paying difficulties, leaving the TENANT's trade, applying to the concordat, starting enforcement proceedings against him by any means, going into liquidation or bankruptcy, or applying to the court with a request for postponement of bankruptcy, or failing to pay the rental price or any of the LESSOR's receivables arising from these general conditions, vehicle delivery and return form in full and complete on time, or blocking the credit card, reducing the limit, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of the credit card, cancellation of, if the loan becomes unusable for reasons such as expiration, or the vehicle is found abandoned anywhere (at the discretion of the LESSOR), or there is a suspicion of abuse of trust (at the discretion of the LESSOR), these general conditions are terminated spontaneously without any notice, warning, or provision.

8.5. From the date of termination of these general conditions, the LESSEE is obliged to deliver the vehicle to the LESSOR at the place of delivery specified in the rental agreement and/or vehicle delivery form no later than 3 hours. If he does not make the delivery, the LESSEE already accepts as an informal recourse that the LESSOR will confiscate the vehicle at the place where it is located without the need for any notice, warning or decision. The LESSEE accepts, declares and undertakes that he will not make any rights (claims) from the LESSEE due to the RENTER's exercise of the right of seizure, waives all lawsuits, complaints and other rights.

8.6. The LESSEE accepts, declares and undertakes that all obligations and responsibilities of the LESSEE arising from the general conditions and vehicle delivery form will continue exactly until the day the vehicle is delivered by the LESSEE or confiscated by the LESSOR and received, while the LESSOR will be relieved of all obligations and responsibilities.

8.7. Whether the vehicle is delivered by the LESSEE or confiscated by the LESSOR and received, regardless of whether the vehicle is delivered or received, the LESSEE will receive all of the rental fees until the end of the rental period, article 7.5.agrees and undertakes to pay the delay fees specified in, together with the VAT that will arise and the default interest that will be processed at twice the rate of the advance interest of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. In addition, the LESSOR may demand compensation from the LESSEE for all kinds of damages, losses and profits that he will be deprived of.


The LESSEE may not transfer and assign these general conditions to another person without the written approval of the LESSOR; he may not allocate, show as collateral, rent, use a prison right on the vehicle rented/delivered to him for the use of another person in any way, or take other similar actions. The vehicle cannot be taken abroad without the written consent of the LESSOR. In case of written approval, all costs and responsibilities for foreign exits will belong to the LESSEE. The LESSOR may transfer and/or assign the general conditions, vehicle delivery and return form and/or the rights, receivables and obligations arising from them to someone else without the need to obtain the TENANT's permission.


The LESSEE states that in case of any dispute arising, the books and records of the LESSOR will be based on, the books and records of the LESSOR are HMK 193. he accepts and undertakes that it is final and conclusive evidence in the sense of the article, that he will not object to the LESSOR's records in any way.

11. evidence

The LESSEE states that in case of any dispute arising, the books and records of the LESSOR will be based on, the books and records of the LESSOR are HMK 193. he accepts and undertakes that it is final and conclusive evidence in the sense of the article, that he will not object to the records of the LESSEE "in any way.


The PARTIES agree that all kinds of commercial and professional information belonging to the other party they will be a foundation of in accordance with these general terms and conditions and the vehicle delivery and return form are confidential and undertake not to disclose this information to third parties by these parties or their employees during and after the contract. This commitment to confidentiality remains valid even if these general conditions expire or are canceled. The LESSEE is obliged to pay any damages that may arise from the LESSOR in case of violation of the confidentiality obligation. The RENTER's vehicle, brand, model, license plate, TENANT, user, additional driver, Oct. sharing such information with 3 persons and organizations from which it receives services cannot be considered a violation of privacy. The LESSEE accepts this authority of the LESSOR in advance.


Turkish Law will apply in the interpretation of these general terms and conditions and the vehicle delivery and return form and/or in all disputes that will arise between the parties. Dec. Istanbul Anatolian Courts and enforcement Offices are authorized for the resolution of disputes. Turkish October Turkish October 2018 general conditions, vehicle delivery and return form and additional to these general conditions, as well as the Turkish and foreign language versions of the concluded / to be concluded annexes in the same document, the interpretation of these texts will be based on the Turkish text.

14. alteration

These general conditions, any changes or Octets not made in writing with the mutual signature of the parties on the vehicle delivery and return form are not valid. If the LESSEE does not sign the return form at the time of returning the vehicle, the information contained in the return form issued by the LESSOR will be considered valid. Agrees and declares that it can make changes or updates to its Terms at any time, unilaterally and without the TENANT's approval.

15. notification

The parties agree, declare and undertake that their written addresses are legal notification addresses in these general conditions, and that notifications to these addresses will result in all legal consequences of legally valid notification unless the change of address is notified to the other party in writing within 3 days.


The stamp duty arising from the vehicle delivery and return form and the general conditions will be paid by the LESSOR.


Just as the RENTER's failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or authority recognized in these general conditions, the vehicle delivery and return form does not mean that he has waived that right or authority, the use of a right or authority alone or in part does not prevent the subsequent use of that or any other right or authority.


These general conditions, if any provision contained in the vehicle delivery and return form is deemed invalid or no longer applicable for any reason, the other provisions of the agreement will remain in force.

19. eclair

Both the vehicle delivery and return forms concluded together with these general terms and conditions and concluded after signing these general terms and conditions are an integral part of these general terms and conditions and will be interpreted together. all the conditions of these general conditions, consisting of 19 articles and 1 Oct., have been read and negotiated and signed as (1) a principal and (1) a copy of a copy on the date and the copy has been given to the LESSEE.



Your personal data ... may be processed by the Lessor (“Companies”), the party of these GENERAL TERMS and Conditions, whose company and trade name are specified at the beginning of the contract, in the capacity of data controller, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“Law”) within the scope described below.


Your personal data collected in accordance with the basic principles provided for in the Law and in accordance with Article 5 of the Law. and 6, within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in articles, it may be processed by the Company within the scope of the following purposes:

- Execution of Internal Operations of the Company,

- Execution of Processes and Operations that Touch the Customer,

- Execution of Marketing Operations,

- Realization of Activities with Legal, Technical and Administrative Results.

- Execution of Corporate Communication Operations Detailed information about the purposes of processing your personal data by our Company, which can be accessed from ... “... is included in the Company's Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy.


Your personal data collected in accordance with the basic principles provided for in the Law and in accordance with Article 8 of the Law. and 9. within the scope of the personal data processing conditions specified in the articles, it may be transferred by our Company to our business partners, suppliers, legally authorized public institutions and authorized private persons for the purpose of realizing the above-mentioned data processing purposes


Your personal data can be collected by our Company within the scope of the purposes listed above; in physical environment, through printed forms and contracts; in electronic environments, through software such as e-mail, SAP and CRM, call centers and SMS. Your collected personal data is subject to Section 5 of the Law. the explicit consent specified in the article, the establishment and performance of the contract, the fulfillment of our legal obligation and the necessity of data processing for the realization of the legitimate interests of our Company may be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions.


11 Of the Law as the owner of personal data. we inform you that you have the following rights in accordance with the article:

* To learn whether your personal data has been processed or not,

· If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

* To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

* To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred at home or abroad,

· To request correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made in this context to the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred,

· Despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the Law and other relevant provisions of the law, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data if the reasons requiring its processing disappear, and to request that the transaction made in this context be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

· In the event that a result arises against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems, do not object to it,

* Do not request compensation for the damage if you suffer damage due to the illegal processing of your personal data.

Your applications for your rights listed above, https://www.pycrentacar.com you can send the Company that you can reach to our Company by filling out the Data Owner Application Form. According to the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest; however, if the transaction also requires a cost, a fee may be charged by you according to the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.

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